Truant Memphis
Rule #1: This is important. Honestly, damn near the entire crux of my theory. Only logical then, that it be rule number one, right? I mean why would I make the first rule something less important than the most important, unless I was simply listing these rules in the order they were revealed to me, which of course may not have necessarily been in the order of most importance.
Oh, the rule. Time Travel Rule Number One: Time is linear. Thus, a body may only travel backwards in time or, having traveled backwards in time, return to their timeline in its most recent point (given that your linear timeline does not stop moving forward simply because You have traveled to the past). So, the only way to travel to your own future is to go backwards in time, sit around for a while, then travel forward to your current present. You cannot travel to your future because it has not happened yet. In my, your, or whomever’s timeline, the future is always a blank page waiting to be written by today. Therefore, bearing all of this in mind, it leads us to Time Travel Rule Number Two. Rule #2: You cannot travel to your own future. I repeat, you cannot travel to your own future. Nope. Not gonna happen. Impossible. This is where things get wonky, as they always do with time travel, because you can travel to THE future. Sort of. You aren’t really traveling to the future, because your own timeline will always be your present…which means if you’re in the present of a future, it’s really happening at the same time as your personal present. You see what I’m saying? All presents, futures and pasts are happening at the same “time.” But Truant, you said time wasn’t a circle. You said time is linear! Correct. I did, because it is. So then, how do you explain any type of present future? The answer: Alternate dimensions, timelines, realities, etc. etc. (a metaphysical concept by any other name…aren’t they all the same 😊). If you were to travel to what may look and feel like the future, what you have actually done is left your own reality, or dimension, or timeline (call it what you will folks…for all I know all three may exist and be slightly different). If you somehow successfully made the journey outside your own timeline to a seemingly future position and were able to return “home,” you will arrive at whatever point your timeline has reached since you were away. Unless, of course, you specifically program whatever device, magic, or cosmic fuckery you have utilized to return you to a different moment on your own timeline other than its manifest present, keeping in mind, you cannot return to a future in your own timeline that has not actually happened yet. Make sense? Great! Rule #3: This is a big one. This is the one that has scientists, various other scholars, screenwriters, novelists, geeky children, and psychedelics enthusiasts up late at night arguing, writing, restlessly dreaming, studying, and/or getting stoned in effort to stop thinking about this stupid shit. Rule number three is, you can’t change your past. Period. Boom. End of discussion. Find a microphone and drop it. You can’t. Your past is your past. Period. Boom. End of… Now, I didn’t say you can’t change THE past. Wait. What? What’s the difference. Bobdammit, stop fucking with my head you twit. Okay, okay. All I’m trying to say is if you go backwards in your timeline and attempt to change the past, all your doing is playing Bob and starting a new dimension, or timeline, or reality (just fucking call it what you will…). You can’t change your past then travel back to your present and reap the benefit of said changes. Your timeline is fixed, and linear, and beautiful. If you change the past, you have two options. Be content with playing Bob, having started a new timeline, new dimension, or new reality and return to your present where everything is as it should be, whether you like it or not. Or, check out the new alternate timeline, dimension, or reality you have created by fucking with your past. Just know, whatever thing it is you were fucking around trying to change, it will always have happened. Period. End of discussion. Find a microphone and drop it. That pain and hardship exists my friend, no matter what. In summation, for the time being. Don’t go fucking around with time. Accept this chaos that is life. Embrace the pain and loss as you should, the same way you should embrace the joy and gifts you receive. Wait. Fuck that. I’ve survived this past minute of my timeline and changed my mind. Who the fuck am I to tell you how to live your life? My intention was only to provide you with some insight for moving forward. Do what you will. Bounce all over fucking existence. Please, just be careful. Wear a helmet. And maybe don’t be too reckless giving birth to new timelines, or dimensions, or realities if you figure out how to go messing around with timelines, dimensions, and/or realities. To be continued…
Author's Note
This is my multi-part treatise on time travel. Please, feel free to debate, scoff at, accuse me of plagiarism or completely disregard in the comments sections. Archives
September 2022
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