Saturday, ahhhhhh...Saturday.1/22/2022 This post wasn't planned. It's reactionary. Hooray, here we go.
Woke up late, at about nine-thirty, just felt that I had to be disheartened soon. So I got on the computer. Yikes. Checked the Twitter news feed for the day's dumb-fuckery. Oh, humanity, you "never-ceasing to disappoint" gaggle of brutal nonsense. My main takeaway? Thank Bob for the "off" switch, in all facets, forms, and uses. Still, I turned here first. Scream into the void, knucklehead. Scream into the void. Then go get something done. Fart about and watch the clock turn. The world is a ying to the yang, fifty-fifty bloodsport of evil, goodness, love, hate, joy, sadness, and empathy versus sociopathy where no one wins...except all the people who get rich and live amazing lives, 'cause no one goes anywhere when we die. Money. Money. Money. Always follow the money, straight to heaven or hell on Earth, the only heaven or hell that exist. Never will you meet another who does not believe but so desperately wishes he could. At least not today. Maybe tomorrow, but not today.
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June 2026