Here we go again. Not that I couldn’t turn this into a daily series by simply apocalypse scrolling social media every morning (apocalypse scrolling is the next level up from doom scrolling, fyi…), but the recent deranged tomfuckery surrounding the 2024 Super Bowl is too much for me to ignore.
First of all, to be clear, those of us “in the know” have known for a long-ass time (almost as long as Taylor’s mom jean wearing white girl long ass) that Taylor Swift has had the NFL in her sites for a while. There are dozens of clues in her music, starting with the song “Fifteen” off her second album Fearless where repetition of the lyrics “night ends” “night ends” clearly rhymes with tight ends, an obvious play on words to foreshadow her desire to someday conquer the heart of a famous American pass catching football player. Not to mention you have to be fearless to play football or date a football player. Her plan was further made obvious by her lyrics “He's so tall and handsome as hell. He's so bad, but he does it so well.” from her “Wildest Dreams” track on the 1989 album. Lyrics clearly describing Travis Kelce. Anyway, you can piece this together with tracks from every other album she’s released (with a few single words that string together into a long poetic clue from the albums in between those every other albums) until her release of Midnights, clearly a concept album dedicated to TKel. Just look at those song titles! “Maroon.” “Anti-Hero.” “Vigilante Shit.” “Labyrinth.” Are you kidding me right now? It’s farking obvious. TMK never had a chance. She was coming for him and there was nothing stopping the prophecy. By the way, it’s no accident Travis’ middle name is Michael, the archangel Old Testament advocate for Jewish folk, who we all know run the entire music industry that Taylor Swift actually controls. Just look at the highway signs people. The end is nigh. The only thing everyone was missing about Taylor Swift fixing the Super Bowl outcome was that it had to happen. Just wait until you find out why. I can’t tell you now. You have to wait until April 8th, exactly nine minutes (nine is the sum of three, three times) after the solar eclipse reaches totality. But then you’ll see how this all lines up with the Atlantean calendar’s doomsday clock. Anyway, do you see? Probably not, because sheeple are blind. They don’t see the writing on the clocks or the missing puzzle pieces. They don’t see how deep the state really gets, even though it was all quite clear in the conceptually funny but genuinely prophetic sketches of The State comedy series circa 1994, not so coincidentally the year NAFTA was established. So just keep plugging along all day like your life isn’t being perpetually manipulated by the nano-tech in the bottled water you keep drinking, fools. Ignorance ain’t bliss. Just look at how you sheeple bleat. And to those of you who know you are in the know, you clearly deciphered my headline cypher. Everything is a conspiracy (watch the libtard heads explode when they find out). Conspiracy theories are only stupid when they aren’t true, which means they can’t be stupid, because they’re clearly true when you know the truth is out there, in here, to be told, up for grabs, written by the winners, and followed by the signs. Stay sharp. Stay frosty. But most importantly, stay tuned. More to come…
I have a suspicion this is going to become a never-ending series for me, as I continually think of all the ways being obsessed with global conspiracy is stupid. I wrote on this subject previously here: why-conspiracy-theories-are-stupid-the-deep-state-of-ignorance.html
Today, I would like to discuss the end result, ‘cause here’s the thing. What fucking difference does it make? What if the Covid-19 vaccines do have a microchip in them? How do you think it’s going to change our commonfolk, pissant lives? Notice I said “our.” If you aren’t a billionaire or some form of social/political royalty, what difference does it make if you’ve got some form of Bob-knows-what microchip in you now? Or nano-byte? Or micro-nano? Or chip-byte? What, fucking, difference? We aren’t a part of the Illuminati and we never will be. You aren’t in the World Order club. The odds of being a normie who suddenly becomes a billionaire are radically small. Yes, it happens every day, but there are damn near 8 billion people on this planet. There are less than 3,000 billionaires. So, again, I rhetorically ask, what difference does it make? You have an entire life to live that will likely require working to earn money. There’s a world of opportunity for exploring, learning, loving, creating, doing anything that involves living a full life that, if effected by some sort of secretive, global battle between the forces of good and evil, you will never, ever, comprehend. Your life will not change, and if it does, you’ll never know. And here’s one for all the faith-based life livers out there: if you believe in fate or some glod’s plan, well, guess what. Whatever conspiracy you think might be going on behind the shadows of governments, most likely being perpetrated by diddling child-molesters, well, all this shit must be your Glod’s will. In his, her, or its plan and whatnot. (I’m not going to get into my one true glod, Bob’s will. It’s an ever-unfolding, progressive philosophy.) Thus, one more time, again, if there is some grand conspiracy, if you’re a normal person, I promise, you’ll never know. Never. Ever. Won’t happen. You, will, never, know. So, I offer this advice with sincere love for other people and genuine empathy for the struggle we all must endure to survive this hellscape of an existence. Go live. Do stuff. Live. Get off your ass and find a better way to waste what time you have. And believe what’s right in front of you. What we bear witness to is the only truth we know. Hey, did you see that? Yes I did, and that’s how I know it’s real. (Unless of course you have a condition causing hallucinations and shit, like schizophrenia. But that’s really an individual versus collective reality discussion and I’m not dealing with nuance here.) Forget the conspiracies and go fucking live. Do stuff. Be kind. Love, Truant In the age of the dreaded Deep State, it feels important to reiterate the fallacies of man. To name a few: Stupid. Petty. Greedy. Jealous.
That's a good start. Those four qualities alone would most likely be paramount in the ego of any individuals striving for global sociological manipulation and dominance, and therefor the downfall of any ridiculous grand scheme to control the world. If there is an Illuminati, I doubt the organization could survive its own humanity. So let's take this one step further. It's not that I don't think there are powers constantly trying to affect the world, one way or another. It's simply the idea that any particular force is capable of sustaining a dedicated path for humanity. There are too many variables, billions of people to throw monkeys into wrenches (or something like that...). We literally witness the ineffectiveness of global leadership on a daily basis. Thus, even if there is some Illuminatic council, or reasonable facsimile thereof, even if it's a team of brilliant alien scientists, or reasonable facsimile thereof (I don't know...brilliant alien philosophers, maybe?), I simply have a hard time believing that at best, most of their work wouldn't be reactionary, basically continuously putting out fires mankind's insanity ignites. This isn't to say I don't think there are successful, isolated attempts at global level, organized chicanery. There clearly are. For instance, only Bob or The Council knows how the fuck Elvis Presley wound up getting picked to fake his own death and become an international assassin, but I promise you, Elvis' bad-assery does not support the idea that this world is somehow being controlled, by anyone. Even Bob checked out a while ago. There is no one pulling one giant string on this Earth. Our collective reality is right in front of us to be dealt with. I understand this world can be daunting, and the concept of helplessness in the face of unforeseen, unspeakably powerful forces can actually be easier to accept than reality. Easier to accept than the accountability we all have as a species. But the truth is, no matter what we think we don't know, humanity is unfolding right in front of our eyes. Disclaimer:
All content is provided with reckless abandon and subject to your scrutiny. That's the deal. Archives
June 2026