I have a suspicion this is going to become a never-ending series for me, as I continually think of all the ways being obsessed with global conspiracy is stupid. I wrote on this subject previously here: why-conspiracy-theories-are-stupid-the-deep-state-of-ignorance.html
Today, I would like to discuss the end result, ‘cause here’s the thing. What fucking difference does it make? What if the Covid-19 vaccines do have a microchip in them? How do you think it’s going to change our commonfolk, pissant lives? Notice I said “our.” If you aren’t a billionaire or some form of social/political royalty, what difference does it make if you’ve got some form of Bob-knows-what microchip in you now? Or nano-byte? Or micro-nano? Or chip-byte? What, fucking, difference? We aren’t a part of the Illuminati and we never will be. You aren’t in the World Order club. The odds of being a normie who suddenly becomes a billionaire are radically small. Yes, it happens every day, but there are damn near 8 billion people on this planet. There are less than 3,000 billionaires. So, again, I rhetorically ask, what difference does it make? You have an entire life to live that will likely require working to earn money. There’s a world of opportunity for exploring, learning, loving, creating, doing anything that involves living a full life that, if effected by some sort of secretive, global battle between the forces of good and evil, you will never, ever, comprehend. Your life will not change, and if it does, you’ll never know. And here’s one for all the faith-based life livers out there: if you believe in fate or some glod’s plan, well, guess what. Whatever conspiracy you think might be going on behind the shadows of governments, most likely being perpetrated by diddling child-molesters, well, all this shit must be your Glod’s will. In his, her, or its plan and whatnot. (I’m not going to get into my one true glod, Bob’s will. It’s an ever-unfolding, progressive philosophy.) Thus, one more time, again, if there is some grand conspiracy, if you’re a normal person, I promise, you’ll never know. Never. Ever. Won’t happen. You, will, never, know. So, I offer this advice with sincere love for other people and genuine empathy for the struggle we all must endure to survive this hellscape of an existence. Go live. Do stuff. Live. Get off your ass and find a better way to waste what time you have. And believe what’s right in front of you. What we bear witness to is the only truth we know. Hey, did you see that? Yes I did, and that’s how I know it’s real. (Unless of course you have a condition causing hallucinations and shit, like schizophrenia. But that’s really an individual versus collective reality discussion and I’m not dealing with nuance here.) Forget the conspiracies and go fucking live. Do stuff. Be kind. Love, Truant
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June 2026